a close up of water flowing through a dam

Alpiq France

Alpiq has been producing and supplying electricity and gas to business consumers in France since 2002 and to household consumers since 2021. We are one of the leading alternative suppliers, supplying nearly 10% of the electricity used by industrial customers in France. We operate our own production facilities (hydro and wind power) and we also buy back electricity produced by numerous independent producers. Service quality is a key element of our offering: Alpiq France has been voted the “Best Customer Service of the Year” every year since 2017.  


Energy services that businesses and households can count on  

Alpiq France draws on the experience and expertise of our team and the know-how of the Group to help our customers make the right energy choices. We offer our customers, whose electricity and gas consumption ranges from 1 GWh/year to more than 1 TWh/year, flexible capacity and support in optimising transmission costs and taxes. For household consumers, Alpiq provides a simple, clear, no-obligation electricity package with a guaranteed price that is always lower than the regulated tariff.  

Innovative solutions at your service  

Alpiq France offers innovative solutions for harnessing and managing industrial flexibilities (demand-side management or self-consumption), aggregating decentralised and renewable production capacities or storage solutions.  

a green hill with some wind turbines on it and blue sky
a green hill with some wind turbines on it and blue sky

Our business

Origination & sales  

Energy management services

Third-party access

Aggregation services

Market access

Renewable energy sources

Access to the customer portal

If you are a customer of Alpiq France, you can log in here using your personal customer data.


a green hill with some wind turbines on it and blue sky
Alpiq France is helping to support its customers’ corporate social responsibility

Since January 2025, all the electricity consumed by FRONERI France has been guaranteed to be of 100% renewable origin.

Media release
Alpiq continues to invest in flexibility and acquires a 100 MW battery project in France

Alpiq is strengthening its position as a provider of flexibility to the energy system with the acquisition of Harmony Energy France’s battery project.

Alpiq à nouveau numéro 1 de la relation commerciale pour la fourniture d’électricité aux entreprises françaises

Alpiq continue de fidéliser ses clients en France grâce à l’excellente qualité de son service. Dans le cadre d’un sondage indépendant réalisé par le…

Flexibilité et renouvelables : Alpiq active des offres à la baisse

Depuis le mois de mai, Alpiq est en mesure de piloter plus de 100 MW de capacités renouvelables en France grâce à une solution technique de contrôle…

Alpiq Énergie France médaillé d’Or(ano) !

Lors de la cérémonie des Orano Suppliers Awards 2024 du 21 mars dernier à Paris qui met à l’honneur les partenaires d’Orano, Alpiq a remporté le…

Alpiq France alimente Bayer en énergie renouvelable et française

Bayer France a signé un contrat de fourniture d’électricité renouvelable pour une durée de 10 ans avec Alpiq  France. Bayer sera désormais alimenté…

Saint-Gobain signe un contrat d’électricité renouvelable avec Alpiq

Saint-Gobain en France a signé un contrat d’achat d’électricité renouvelable (Power Purchase Agreement ou PPA) d’une durée de 14 ans avec Alpiq…


Alpiq Energie France S.A.S.
Tour ALTO, 1 Place Zaha HADID, CS 90305 

T: +33 1 53 43 84 20

 E-Mail address

Legal Information