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Lausanne – Alpiq announces that Board Members Olivier Fauqueux and Dominique Bompoint have resigned from their term per the Annual General Meeting, which will take place on 24 April 2014.
Nominated as new Members of the Board and as representatives of EDF (EDF Alpes Investissements Sàrl) are Gérard Roth and François Driesen. Gérard Roth and François Driesen both served on the Board from 2012 to 2013. Furthermore, Gérard Roth will succeed Michael Baumgärtner as a representative on the Nomination and Remuneration Committee. Michael Baumgärtner will retain his seat on the Board of Directors. Shareholders will vote on these nominations at the upcoming Annual General Meeting.
The Alpiq Board of Directors thanks Olivier Fauqueux and Dominique Bompoint for their dedication and valuable contribution to the reorientation of the company.