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Lausanne – Alpiq is selling its seven rooftop photovoltaic assets in Switzerland with total installed capacity of 5.5 MWp as a package to PS Panneaux Solaires SA. The move is in line with the strategic focus on the core business. In order to improve the security of supply and drive the energy transition, Alpiq is focusing on flexibility solutions to integrate renewable energies, as well as on expanding storage facilities and producing winter electricity.
Alpiq’s strategic focus in the field of assets is on targeted measures to strengthen the security of supply and flexibility solutions. Its highly flexible power plant portfolio means that the integration of weather-dependent renewable energy into the system is part of Alpiq’s core business. However, Alpiq will refrain from planning, building and operating photovoltaic systems that are not close to its core operations. Therefore, Alpiq has decided to sell the rooftop photovoltaic assets as a unit. Alpiq has found an ideal buyer in PS Panneaux Solaires SA, operating company of Gefiswiss Energy Transition Fund. They will continue to operate the seven plants, which will still produce solar power for many years. The rooftop PV portfolio is located in the cantons of Fribourg, Solothurn and Vaud and produces an average of 5.6 GWh of renewable energy per year.
The proportion of solar energy in the Swiss production mix has increased a lot in recent years. In 2023 alone, the newly installed capacity in Switzerland increased by almost 40% compared to the previous year, rising from 1,126 MW to around 1,500 MW. And it continues to rise sharply. “The development of photovoltaics in the field of energy production is pleasing. In parallel, there is an increasing demand for flexibility solutions, which is a driver of the energy transition. The challenge is to integrate the weather-dependent power production from wind and solar energy into the energy system,” says Amédée Murisier, Head of the Switzerland business division and member of Alpiq’s Executive Board. “Our highly flexible power plant portfolio enables us to significantly contribute to the flexibility of the energy system and, therefore, to the success of the energy transition.”
Alpiq already has a broad portfolio of highly flexible power plants. In Switzerland, these are primarily hydropower plants. For example, Alpiq has shares in the pumped storage power plants of Nant de Drance and FMHL. These very efficient large batteries have a total installed capacity of almost 1,400 MW and are ideal for integrating the growing proportion of photovoltaic power into the energy system as short-term daily or weekly storage facilities.
As a pioneer of the energy transition, Alpiq is accelerating its activities in the field of flexibility. At the same time, Alpiq is pressing ahead with the planning of numerous projects to expand winter power production. In proximity to its core assets and being an excellent winter electricity source, Alpiq reinforces its commitment towards Alpine PV systems.By doing so, Alpiq is making a decisive contribution to strengthening security of supply in this area. Together with various local partners, Alpiq currently has shares in six projects for Alpine photovoltaic plants, five projects from the hydropower round table and three projects for new wind farms.
You can find more information on Alpiq at www.alpiq.com