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Lausanne, 18 November 2021 – Johannes Teyssen will be proposed to the shareholders of Alpiq Holding Ltd. for election as a new Board member. He is to succeed Jens Alder as Chairman of the Board of Directors as of 1 January 2022. The election will take place at the Extraordinary General Meeting of Alpiq Holding Ltd on 9 December 2021. Johannes Teyssen was CEO of the German energy group E.ON SE until the end of March 2021.
Jens Alder (64) was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors in April 2015. He led Alpiq through a highly challenging transformation phase. At the strategic level, Jens Alder guided the company through a far-reaching restructuring process, during which net debt was massively reduced. At shareholder level, he managed the shareholder change, where EDF's 25 percent stake in Alpiq was transferred to EIP and Alpiq was delisted from the Swiss stock exchange.
Johannes Teyssen (62), a German citizen, was CEO of the German energy group E.ON SE, headquartered in Essen, from 1 May 2010 until the end of March 2021. He led the transformation of the E.ON group from an integrated global utility company to the leading European infrastructure and customer-driven energy specialist. Prior to this, he was already a member of the main board of E.ON from 2004 onwards while also leading the Central European division of the group responsible for all upstream-, mid-stream and downstream activities across 10 European countries including nuclear, hydro and fossil generation as well as its trading activities. He joined E.ON and its predecessor VEBA in 1989 and held various responsibilities for power and gas activities. In addition to this, Johannes Teyssen led Eurelectric, the association of European power companies, from 2013 to 2015 and chaired the European arm of the World Energy Council for six years. He is presently also on the Board of the British oil and gas company BP plc. (London) and Senior Advisor of the investment firm KKR (New York and London).
Jens Alder says: “I am extremely pleased and proud that we were able to convince Johannes Teyssen, one of the most outstanding masterminds of the European energy sector, to join Alpiq. It was always our conviction that Alpiq needs, after the profound restructuring over the last few years, an industry insider to strategically lead Alpiq into the next phase, together with our CEO Antje Kanngiesser.”
Johannes Teyssen says: “The energy sector will continue to lead the needed transformation path towards a sharpened global agenda after COP 26 in Glasgow. Together with the ambitious energy strategy of Switzerland this sets the boundary conditions for the next strategic phase of Alpiq. Jens Alder has secured the strength of Alpiq’s balance sheet and thus I believe Alpiq is well set up for growth. I thank Jens Alder for his dedicated services over so many years for Alpiq. I see it as an honour and challenge to follow him as the incoming chairman of the company. Together with the board, Antje Kanngiesser as CEO of the company and its motivated employees, we shall strive to shape a better, safe and clean future for the Swiss society at large and for Alpiq’s clients.”
More information about Alpiq: www.alpiq.com