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Lausanne – After six years as CEO of the Alpiq Group, Jasmin Staiblin (48) has decided to leave the company at the end of 2018. On 1 January 2019, Jens Alder (61), who has been Chairman of the Board of Directors of Alpiq Holding AG since 2015, will also take over the operational management of the Alpiq Group in the role of Delegate of the Board of Directors. Alpiq’s strategy has been validated and is being consistently implemented. On the one hand, Alpiq will in the near future benefit from the recently increased prices on the electricity wholesale markets, while on the other, Alpiq is continuing to expand its growth areas of e-mobility and digital energy solutions.
Jasmin Staiblin says: “My sincere thanks go to the entire Alpiq team. Together, we implemented the necessary restructuring measures, systematically transformed the company and aligned it to the new market conditions. Alpiq now has a solid foundation and is fit for the energy future.”
Since 1 January 2013, Jasmin Staiblin has guided Alpiq through a highly challenging phase of transformation. Under her leadership, Alpiq was able to reduce net debt by over CHF 4 billion through targeted divestments and to implement a sustainable cost reduction and efficiency improvement programme amounting to CHF 400 million throughout the company. At the strategic level, the industrial business was successfully split off under Jasmin Staiblin’s leadership and targeted investments were made in the digital fields of business.
Jens Alder says: “Jasmin Staiblin has achieved outstanding things. On behalf of the Board of Directors, I would like to extend my sincere thanks to her for her tremendous commitment, the successfully implemented turnaround of the Alpiq Group and the exceptionally good cooperation. I wish Jasmin Staiblin continued success for the future."
Jean-Yves Paul, Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors, will take over as Lead Director of the Governance Committee that was defined by the Board of Directors. The purpose of the supervisory body is to avoid potential conflicts of interest with regard to the dual role of the Chairman of the Board of Directors and the Delegate of the Board of Directors. To this end, the Board of Directors has adapted its governance processes.
The two business units Thermal Power Generation and Renewable Energy Sources, which reported directly to Jasmin Staiblin during a transitional phase, will now be consolidated in the new business division Generation International. As of 1 January 2019, the business division will be led by André Schnidrig, a new Member of the Alpiq Executive Board. André Schnidrig will also continue to manage the Renewable Energy Sources business unit. Alpiq will thus be structured in the three business divisions Generation Switzerland (Michael Wider), Generation International (André Schnidrig) and Digital & Commerce (Markus Brokhof) as well as the Financial Services functional division (Thomas Bucher).
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