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Lausanne – Schweizer Kraftwerksbeteiligungs-AG, fully owned by CSA Energy Infrastructure Switzerland (CSA), has announced a voluntary public takeover offer to Alpiq shareholders, according to which shareholders are to be offered CHF 70 per share.
As Alpiq announced on 28 May 2019, the acquisition of EDF’s 25.04 percent block of Alpiq shares in equal parts by EOS and Primeo Energie has been completed. The transaction was financed by mandatory exchangeable loans from Schweizer Kraftwerksbeteiligungs-AG, fully owned by CSA Energy Infrastructure Switzerland (CSA), an investment group of the Credit Suisse Investment Foundation. Today, CSA indirectly announced via Schweizer Kraftwerksbeteiligungs-AG (the offeror) a voluntary public takeover offer according to which Alpiq shareholders are to be offered CHF 70 per share.
In this context, the Alpiq Board of Directors has commissioned an independent third-party assessment (fairness opinion) of the public takeover offer and will comment on the offer within the framework of the report by the Board of Directors. The Offer Prospectus is scheduled to be published by the offeror on 9 July 2019. The offer period is scheduled to begin on 24 July 2019, and the acquisition within the framework of the public takeover offer is expected to be completed on 9 October 2019. Subsequently, a delisting of Alpiq Holding AG shares from the SIX Swiss Exchange is to be applied for promptly.
Jens Alder, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Alpiq: “The new shareholder structure provides a sound foundation for Alpiq’s future development. I view the public takeover offer as a logical consequence of the acquisition of the Alpiq shares from EDF. In view of the expected delisting, I welcome the launch of the public takeover offer.”
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