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Lausanne – Alpiq has founded Swiss Decommissioning AG with headquarters in Olten/SO. The Swiss company will offer integrated solutions for the post-operation and dismantling of nuclear installations, as well as for radiation protection and decontamination. Alpiq has been in possession of the necessary competences and experience in this area for a long time through the German company Kraftanlagen Heidelberg GmbH, which belongs to the Alpiq Group.
According to its strategy, Alpiq is seizing new opportunities in its power plant business. With Swiss Decommissioning AG, Alpiq is positioning itself on the Swiss market at an early stage. The new company will offer the Swiss market integrated solutions for post-operation and dismantling of nuclear installations, as well as for radiation protection and decontamination.
Kraftanlagen Heidelberg GmbH, which belongs to the Alpiq Group, has been active in Switzerland for over 30 years, as well as a service provider for Swiss nuclear power plants for many years. The company also realises projects for CERN in Geneva, and is a recognised partner of the international thermonuclear experimental reactor ITER at the Cadarache facility in France since its construction. In Germany, the company is involved in large-scale dismantling projects such as the nuclear power plants Würgassen, Obrigheim, Isar 1, Neckarwestheim 1 and Philippsburg 1.
In founding Swiss Decommissioning AG, Alpiq is taking a further step in implementing the new strategy. Alpiq will strategically expand its core competence in industrial and power plant technology. This business field also includes the dismantling of nuclear installations.
Find more information on Alpiq under and on Kraftanlagen Heidelberg under