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Lausanne – Yesterday evening, at the request of a market participant, the Federal Council activated the bailout scheme for energy companies by emergency decree. This automatically places Alpiq under the scheme with immediate effect. Alpiq welcomes the government's decisive action and continues to do everything in its power to avoid having to call on federal aid.
The distortions on the energy markets, which have persisted for many months have prompted various countries to take measures to protect security of supply against systemic risks. Yesterday, at the request of a market participant, the Federal Council activated the bailout scheme for systemically relevant Swiss energy companies. Alpiq welcomes the federal government's action, which sends an important confidence-building signal to the markets.
With the entry into force of the Federal Act on Subsidiary Financial Assistance to Rescue Systemically Critical Companies in the Electricity Industry, Alpiq is automatically subject to the law and will comply with the associated obligations. However, Alpiq is not currently drawing on any federal assistance and remains confident that it will not have to do so even if market conditions remain challenging. Comprehensive operational measures in the energy business, as well as additional financing in the credit and capital markets, have strengthened the company's financial room for manoeuvre. Alpiq is doing everything in its power to maintain the necessary headroom.
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