Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

03.02.2020, 07:00 | Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

Lausanne – CEO André Schnidrig (48) has surprisingly been diagnosed with colon cancer. He will consequently not be able to perform his duties as CEO of Alpiq for approximately the next six months. At the request and by resolution of the Board of Directors, the Chairman of the Board Jens Alder (62) will step in during this period and take over operational management of Alpiq on an interim basis in the role of Executive Chairman.

André Schnidrig joined Alpiq 10 years ago, has been a member of the Executive Board since 1 January 2019, and on 4 December 2019, the Board of Directors of Alpiq Holding Ltd. appointed him as CEO of the Alpiq Group with effect from 1 January 2020.

Jens Alder says: “We are confident that André will be able to return to his duties in just a few months. On behalf of Alpiq and all its employees, I extend heartfelt wishes to André for a speedy recovery.”

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