Our latest media releases

Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR
Swissgrid BOD gives green light for the last loan tranche

Lausanne – Upon the approval by the Swissgrid Board of Directors, Alpiq has successfully concluded the divestment of the last Swissgrid loan tranche…

Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR
Alpiq divests its share in Forces Motrices du Grand-Saint-Bernard SA

Lausanne – Alpiq divests its 25% share of the Forces Motrices du Grand-Saint-Bernard SA storage power station to Romande Energie. With this step Alpiq…

Media release
Pilot project with Alpiq GridSense technology in single-family houses

Zurich – Decentralised generation of electricity is gaining popularity, presenting new challenges to distribution grid operators. The Alpiq GridSense…

Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR
Swissgrid stake: Alpiq divests the final loan tranche amounting to CHF 48 million

Lausanne – Alpiq successfully completes the divestment process of the Swissgrid stake and sells the final loan tranche amounting to CHF 48 million in…

Media release
Andreas Richner to take over as Head of the new functional unit Communications & Public Affairs

Lausanne –Alpiq has decided to unite the functional units Communications & Public Affairs. Andreas Richner will take over as the head of this new…

Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR
Alpiq optimises financial liabilities

Lausanne - Alpiq Holding AG (Alpiq) successfully concluded its second buyback of outstanding senior CHF bonds due 2016–2019. In total, bonds amounting…

Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR
Alpiq announces another buyback of bonds

Lausanne – Alpiq Holding AG (Alpiq) is launching another cash tender offer up to CHF 450 million on its outstanding senior CHF bonds due 2016-2019. In…

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