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Lausanne – Alpiq announces that Schweizer Kraftwerksbeteiligungs-AG, a subsidiary of CSA Energy Infrastructure Switzerland (CSA), has today published the provisional final result of its public purchase offer for all publicly owned Alpiq shares.
On 10 July 2019, CSA Energy Infrastructure Switzerland (CSA) published the offer prospectus for the public purchase offer for free-float Alpiq shares. By the end of the extension period on 27 September 2019 at 16:00, 1‘418‘243 Alpiq shares were tendered to CSA. Taking the tendered shares into account, CSA together with the Consortium of Swiss Minority Shareholders (KSM) and EOS Holding SA (EOS) thus hold 93.51 percent of the Alpiq share capital and voting rights. The published final result is provisional. The definitive result of the offer will be published on 3 October, and the offer will be executed on 9 October 2019. For additional information please refer to the media release of the Consortium of Swiss Minority Shareholders, EOS and CSA.
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