Cspel, hungary

Alpiq Hungary

Alpiq has been actively operating in Hungary since 2002. Alpiq Hungary consists of Alpiq Energy SE (Branch Office), Alpiq Csepel Kft. and Alpiq Csepeli Szolgáltató Kft. At the core of our activities is Csepel II, a modern, environmentally friendly gas-fired combined cycle power plant in southern Budapest. 



Comprehensive service offering 

We provide our customers with a full range of high-quality solutions in the areas of energy generation, trading and related services. Our activities include power generation, district heating supply, and services for end users throughout the entire electrical energy supply chain in Hungary. Additionally, Alpiq ensures the optimal utilisation of its third-party power generation and energy storage assets by its self-developed Virtual Power Plants (APPC and ARC) and aggregator services. Alpiq has been actively operating in Hungary since 2002 and is one of the largest independent power producers and traders in the country.

Power supply to industrial and household consumers 

Built in 2000, Csepel II was the first power plant in Hungary to be funded by private capital. With a capacity of 403 MW, it covers almost 7% of the country’s total energy requirements. In addition to selling heat to Hungarian industrial operations, the power plant supplies district heating to more than 19,500 apartments in southern Budapest. The Csepel Group also sells natural gas and offers general energy-related services. 

Our business

Power and district heating production 

Grid system services 

Electrical energy and natural gas trading 

Energy management services 

Guarantee of Origin (GoO) trading 

Virtual power plant services 

Aggregation services 

Our commitment to sustainability and social responsibility

Alpiq Csepel Business has introduced and maintains an environmental management system, which includes both environmental protection and the management of quality, safety and health guided by the following regulations:


To underline our role as an important Hungarian market player, we take corporate citizenship seriously and regularly contribute to the environmental, social and cultural objectives of the neighbourhood and wider community.


How Alpiq understands sustainability

Sustainability is embedded in Alpiq's purpose and the company is well positioned – thanks to our electricity production from renewable energies and…

Night of Power Plants 2023

It is the largest energy industry event in the country: the Hungarian Energy and Utility Regulatory Authority and its affiliated partners organised…

Students of Budapest Technical University, Mechanical Engineering Faculty visited Csepel II Power Station

Csepel II Power Station has received students / university students from technical areas for years to support their studies in practice. On 23…

Night of power plants 2022 in Hungary

Budapest, 28 October 2022 – A huge number of people were interested in the event “night of power plants”! Throughout Hungary, 70 interesting sites…

The event “power stations at night” has received corporate social responsibility award
Committed to environmental responsibility – A tree planting in Népliget

Swisscham Hungary was established 25 years ago and now they have planted 25 young trees in “Népliget” Park. By that, Swiss-Hungarian Chamber of…


Alpiq Magyarország Kft. 
HU-1211 Budapest, Hőerőmű utca 3. 
(Adószám: 32209370-2-43, 
IBAN: HU15 1091 8001 0000 0121 1025 0006, 
Nyilvántartó bíróság: Fővárosi Törvényszék Cégbírósága, 
Cégjegyzékszám: 01-09-412122)


Alpiq Energy SE Branch Office 
Kálvin tér 12.
1085 Budapest

T: +36 1 886 34 00 

E-Mail address


Alpiq Csepel Kft. 
HU-1085 Budapest, Kálvin tér 12. 
(Adószám: 12750142-2-44, 
IBAN: HU91 1630 0000 0400 6862 9000 6416, 
Nyilvántartó bíróság: Fővárosi Törvényszék Cégbírósága, 
Cégjegyzékszám: 01-09-701667)

T: +36 1 429 10 30   

E-Mail address 


Alpiq Csepeli Szolgáltató Kft. 
HU-1211 Budapest, Hőerőmű utca 3. 
(Adószám: 12750104-2-43, 
IBAN: HU79 1630 00000401 1110 9000 6409, 
Nyilvántartó bíróság: Fővárosi Törvényszék Cégbírósága, 
Cégjegyzékszám: 01-09-701664)
T: +36 1 278 38 00 

E-Mail address 

Further legal information