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Lausanne – In collaboration with the German energy services provider GETEC, Alpiq is establishing a European platform for energy market and customer service processes. To this end, on 29 September 2016, the two companies founded a joint-venture company, European Energy Service Platform GmbH, which is headquartered in Berlin.
On 29 September 2016, Alpiq and GETEC founded European Energy Service Platform GmbH in Berlin. The new company will offer its services throughout Europe. Its portfolio includes a broad spectrum of services for energy supply companies and new market participants, ranging from commercial and IT services through to billing and customer services, right through to accounting and market communications services. In short, all the processes that are required to supply energy to end customers.
With the new platform, both partners will offer the business model of the GETEC subsidiary, GETEC Daten- und Abrechnungsmanagement GmbH, in Germany and will expand it to other European countries. GETEC can already look back on over 10 years of successful activity with this business model on the German and Austrian energy markets, and meanwhile processes more than 700,000 customers. In addition to GETEC’s process know-how, Alpiq’s many years of experience in electricity and gas trading on most of the European marketplaces and its international network of customers constitute the core for the establishment of the new business.
For Alpiq and GETEC, the benefits of the collaboration are clear. The new platform enables energy suppliers and new energy brands to offer standardised services in high quality and at fair prices to end customers throughout almost all of Europe. The reduction of system and interface variety allows the complexity and costs to be reduced. In practical terms, the new platform will complement Alpiq’s activities in the field of white label marketing of electricity and gas products to its partners’ end customers. The platform represents a further building block in the integrated supply chain for automated delivery management and the online and e-commerce sales of electricity and gas products.
With its subsidiaries GETEC Daten- und Abrechnungsmanagement GmbH and smart Energy Services GmbH, GETEC ENERGIE AG has been active as a specialist for energy market and customers service processes throughout Germany and on the Austrian market since 2005. The company’s many years of experience allows GETEC to support energy supply companies with the shaping of the opportunities of the liberalised energy market. GETEC was one of the first suppliers of process services on the German energy market. Together with its subsidiaries, the GETEC Group covers the complete spectrum of energy services on the energy market. The Group is headquartered in Magdeburg, Germany, and with approximately 1,150 employees achieved total revenues of almost 800 million euro in 2015.
Alpiq is a leading Swiss electricity and energy services provider with a European focus. The company is active in electricity generation, as well as energy trading and sales. Alpiq offers its clients comprehensive, efficient energy services for buildings and facilities, transport technology, as well as for power stations and industrial plants. In 2015, Alpiq, with roughly 8,000 employees, generated a turnover of CHF 6.7 billion. The Alpiq Group is headquartered in Lausanne and is listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange.