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Lausanne – Alpiq is launching another product along the path towards the digital, decentralised energy future. In April 2019, thanks to its ideal blend of digitalisation and energy know-how, the leading energy service provider will start operating a 1.2 megawatt large-scale battery storage system for industrial use by the power utility of the town of Maienfeld in the Swiss canton of Grisons. The system will reduce costly peak loads in the supply area of the power utility and provide secondary control power for the ancillary services market. The combined business model marks a Swiss première.
The increasing digitalisation and decentralisation of the modern energy world are opening up new approaches and business models for conventional energy suppliers. They offer the opportunity to reduce costs and to generate new revenue by optimally combining infrastructure and new technologies. The power utility of the town of Maienfeld in the Swiss canton of Grisons is seizing this opportunity. Starting in April, the Maienfeld power utility will pioneer the future-oriented application of a large-scale battery storage system. The lithium iron phosphate battery, which is the size of a large shipping container, has an output of 1.2 MW and a gross capacity of 1.5 MWh. Following a call for tenders, the Maienfeld power utility commissioned the energy service provider Alpiq with the operation and management of the large-scale industrial battery, whereby mainly local companies will be used for the implementation.
For the Maienfeld power utility, the cooperation with Alpiq provides two major advantages: Thanks to the optimised use of the battery storage system, the energy supplier will be able to avoid costly peak loads in its own supply area and significantly reduce costs by means of peak shaving. In addition, in a first step, the integration into Alpiq’s ancillary services pool will ensure that the large-scale battery can participate in the balancing energy market for secondary control power, which represents a first in Switzerland. The next step will be to also offer primary control power. This system package and the combination of the various modes of operation will generate additional value-adding revenues for both partners. In addition, the application of several business models ensures that the economic viability of the battery storage system is based on a broader and more solid foundation.
The Energy AI platform, the artificial intelligence platform developed by Alpiq, will play a key role in optimising the battery storage system. The platform processes vast amounts of information and data, including weather forecasts, market and price information, historical load profiles and previous decisions. The resulting insights are used to calculate different application options. Optimisation algorithms ensure that the battery storage system is always put to the most profitable use – be it to reduce peak loads or to provide secondary or primary control power.
For Alpiq, the project with the Maienfeld power utility represents a further example of how, thanks to digital know-how and in long-term partnerships with customers, new, innovative business models can be developed and profitably implemented in the changing energy world. Such new approaches and digital ecosystems are already today making an effective contribution towards tomorrow’s energy landscape.
Further information about Alpiq can be found at