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Axpo, Alpiq and BKW have jointly agreed to withdraw the framework permit applications for replacement nuclear power plants, which were submitted in the year 2008 and postponed in 2011.
The energy world has changed fundamentally since the framework permit applications for replacement nuclear power plants were submitted in the year 2008. Today the market is a very different one, and in the meantime, policy-makers have set the course for a future without nuclear power. The three CEO’s of Alpiq, Axpo and BKW have therefore jointly agreed to actively withdraw the framework permit applications submitted by the three site companies. A corresponding petition to the Federal Council was submitted to the Federal Office of Energy today.
More information under:
Axpo Holding AG, Corporate Communications Media Hotline 0800 44 11 00
Alpiq Holding AG, Media Relations 062 286 71 10
BKW AG, Media Relations 058 477 51 07