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Alpiq, in partnership with the Association of Valais Concession-Granting Communes (Association des communes concédantes du Valais - ACC), is now launching the second edition of the #prixalpiq award. The prize is awarded each year to two projects promoting the sustainable use of water, carried out by communes in the canton of Valais. Applications are open until 31 May 2022 and the jury will announce the winner and the ‘winner of hearts’ in October 2022 during the Foire du Valais. The #prixalpiq prize fund is worth a grand total of CHF 50 000.
Alpiq and the Association of Concession-Granting Communes (ACC) are renewing their partnership to launch the second edition of the #prixalpiq. The prize is presented annually to two projects promoting the sustainable and efficient use of water (mainly in the fields of agriculture, energy, tourism and the environment) carried out by communes in the canton of Valais.
Applications for the #prixalpiq have been open since 1 February 2022 and can be submitted until 31 May 2022. All communes in the canton of Valais are invited to enter the competition. The #prixalpiq is also open to universities of applied sciences, engineering consultants, and anyone with an idea or project relating to water. Those thinking of applying should ask a commune to sponsor them and submit a joint application.
The #prixalpiq 2022 will be awarded at an official ceremony on 7 October 2022 at the Foire du Valais in Martigny. It is worth a grand total of CHF 50 000. The winning commune will receive a prize worth of CHF 40 000. A cash prize of CHF 10 000 will also be awarded to the ‘winner of hearts’ project.
The #prixalpiq contributes to solving the challenges related to the preservation and management of water facing the canton of Valais, Switzerland's true water tower, today. Climate change presents the Valais with challenges linked to the irregularity of water supplies, periods of drought or, conversely, periods of heavy precipitation, which affect the fields of agriculture, energy and tourism, as well as the population as a whole.
The ACC has partnered with the #prixalpiq to encourage communes to actively develop their water strategies and come up with a long-term vision for managing this multifaceted resource. The aim is to have a lasting and positive impact on the communes and their residents. Alpiq shares this goal, and has been working with the communes of Valais for more than a century to make the most of this valuable source of renewable energy.
The #prixalpiq is also collaborating with the BlueArk Challenge, which seeks to identify innovative ideas and technologies to solve the challenges facing professionals and stakeholders in the water sector.
The winners of the #prixalpiq 2021: The #prixalpiq distinguishes two sustainable water management projects
To find out more about the #prixalpiq, visit
For more information about Alpiq, visit
For more information about the ACC, visit