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Media release
El equilibrio perfecto entre producción hidráulica y cuidado de la naturaleza

El trabajo de más de 10 años llevado a cabo entre Nant de Drance SA, WWF y Pro Natura, arroja un balance positivo: 15 medidas de compensación…

Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR
Luca Baroni appointed new CFO of the Alpiq Group

Lausanne, 30. April 2021 – Luca Baroni (49) will assume the position of CFO of the Alpiq Group on 1 November 2021 at the latest. He is a recognised...

Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR
Reduction of the size of the Board of Directors of Alpiq Holding Ltd.

Lausanne, 20 April 2021 – In the context of the intended downsizing of the Board of Directors of Alpiq Holding Ltd., the Board members Alexander Ku...

Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR
Alpiq reports strong results of operations


Media release
Alpiq y RWE firman un acuerdo de representación en mercado sobre los activos eólicos e hidráulicos de RWE en España

Lausanne / Madrid, 23 Februaro 2021 – Alpiq y RWE han firmado un acuerdo para la representación en mercado de los activos eólicos (terrestre) e…

Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR
Alpiq to receive additional compensation for transferred stake in the Swiss extra-high-voltage grid

Lausanne, 12 February 2021 – According to rulings issued by the Swiss Federal Electricity Commission (ElCom) on 9 February 2021, Alpiq will receive…

Media release
Alpiq's Ruppoldingen run-of-river power plant once again to receive top ecolabel "naturemade star"

Lausanne – Alpiq's Ruppoldingen run-of-river power plant has once again been certified with the "naturemade star" label. The label issued by the…

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