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Lausanne – Alpiq’s outstanding service quality continues to convince customers in France. In a survey, 276 large industrial customers representing around 373,000 supply points rated Alpiq as the best electricity supplier in 2020 for the fourth year running. Alpiq thus confirms its number one position on the French electricity market for industrial customers.
The association of commercial consumers CLEEE (Comité de Liaison des Entreprises Consommatrices d'Electricité) and the FNCCR (Fédération nationale des collectivités concédantes et régies), an association of local authorities and energy distributors, have conducted a new survey among electricity and gas purchasers. 276 responses have been evaluated representing around 373,000 supply points with a total electricity consumption of 60 TWh. The buyers evaluated the electricity suppliers according to the criteria of portfolio quality, key account relationship, response speed, invoicing quality and pricing support. For the fourth year running, Alpiq obtained the best overall rating. Above all, industrial customers choose Alpiq as their electricity supplier because of its expertise and customer proximity. In terms of gas supply, Alpiq also ranks 5th in the CLEEE-FNCCR survey.
Alpiq is among the largest foreign energy companies on the French retail market for electricity. Since 2002, Alpiq has established itself as the leading alternative electricity supplier for business end customers with the possibility of green power supply (certificates of origin and PPA). In 2020, Alpiq has 26 TWh of electricity and gas under contract in France. It enhances its clients' flexibility and supports them in optimising energy costs and transportation costs and provides integrated solutions for e-mobility. In order to offer its French customers this support, Alpiq can also draw on the expertise of the whole Group with its Europe-wide operations. Besides France, Alpiq is active on the electricity and gas retail market in six other European countries. In addition to its electricity and gas retail business, Alpiq operates its own generation systems in France (hydropower and wind energy) and purchases electricity from decentralised generation facilities.
The Comité de Liaison des Entreprises Consommatrices d'Electricité (CLEEE) represents major electricity consumers from sectors such as public services (e.g. the SNCF railways, the RATP public transport operator, Aéroports de Paris), the environment (Veolia), telecommunications (Orange, TDF), transport, hotels (Accor, Korian), food processing, construction materials, the steel industry and supermarkets (Carrefour, Casino, Metro, Système U). The Fédération nationale des collectivités concédantes et régies (FNCCR) is an association of more than 800 local authorities and public-sector institutions in France.
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