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Lausanne – Alpiq is evaluating the sale of its two Czech coal-fired power plants, Kladno and Zlín. With this strategically motivated divestment, Alpiq continues to focus on its core business in an increasingly decarbonised energy world. Alpiq is striving toward a Europe-wide coal-free generation portfolio. With the proceeds from the possible sale, Alpiq intends to make targeted investments in the expansion of growth areas and to further optimise its balance sheet.
Alpiq is evaluating the sale of its two thermal power plants, Kladno and Zlín. Alpiq holds a 100 percent stake in both coal-fired power plants. The planned divestment is based exclusively on strategic reasons in view of an increasingly decarbonised, digitalised and decentralised energy world. The aim is to achieve coal-free electricity generation throughout Europe. Following the successfully concluded divestment of the Engineering Services business in July 2018, Alpiq is thus continuing to focus on its core business. This comprises a flexible power plant portfolio that is diversified both technologically and regionally throughout Europe, the marketing of flexibility of both its own power plant portfolio and third-party decentralised power plants in Europe, the international trading, wholesale and retail business as well as digital energy services.
A potential conclusion of the transaction is subject to the condition that the three defined criteria – price, transaction security and contractual conditions – are met cumulatively. Alpiq intends to use the proceeds from a possible divestment to further develop its growth areas in the digital solutions business and to continue to optimise its balance sheet.
The Kladno coal-fired power plant has an electrical output of 516 MW, was commissioned in 2000 and has been wholly owned by the Alpiq Group since 2002.
The Zlín thermal power plant generates and delivers electrical energy, process heating and district heating. It has an electrical capacity of 64 MW and a thermal capacity of 376 MW. The coal-fired power plant was commissioned in 1996 and 2001, respectively, and was fully taken over by Alpiq in 2005. It operates at a certified high level in terms of occupational safety, environmental management and process reliability.
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