
We offer different supply models and numerous possibilities for uncomplicated gas procurement, ensuring you a reliable supply and price benefits.


Gas supply in different models: profit from our broad gas portfolio. Our activities on all European wholesale markets let you enjoy planning certainty and protect you against unexpected market changes. Whether with a fixed price model, tranche model, indexed products or spot offers – we can develop a customised solution for your energy needs. You will receive your offers in the individual countries.

Energy for Europe


Gas supply France

Profit from customer service that creates customised solutions. Get to know our natural gas products in France.

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Gas supply Germany

Profit from our low prices and the quality of our services. Check your individual offer in Germany.

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Gas supply Spain

Get to know our natural gas products in Spain.

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Gas supply Italy

Get to know our natural gas products in Italy.

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Gas supply Nordics

Discover more about our solutions and get in touch with our energy experts in the Nordics and Baltics.

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Frequently asked questions about gas supply

Who does Alpiq supply?

We supply industrial and service provider companies, public utilities, end customer suppliers, and small and medium-sized businesses. In Germany and France we also supply end consumers.

What are the prerequisites for me to receive natural gas?

You must be connected to a transfer or distribution network and consume more than 1 GWh per year.

What makes the gas supply by Alpiq unique?

Together with you, we analyse your needs, identify the peak loads in your business and provide information about how to optimise loads and generate individual savings. In addition, we examine high-performance and sustainable solution approaches.

What is the maximum contract duration?

Alpiq offers contracts with terms from 1 to 3 years and longer-term procurement strategies based on our long-term European procurement portfolio.

Why is Alpiq's presence all over Europe a benefit for me?

Our access to the European energy market allows us to flexibly procure all electricity products for you.

When is a good time to buy tranches?

In order to make this decision, we support our customers with regular and reliable information and active price and regulation optimisation.

Contact us!

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Gas supply
Asset management
Electricity supply
Energy management
Renewable energy management
Digital energy solutions
Czech Republic

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