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Lausanne – The international energy market is becoming more complex, digital and decentralised. E-mobility, smart homes and the increasing flexibility in the field of energy trading are opening up new business opportunities. Alpiq is responding to this fundamental transformation of the energy business with innovative products and digital solutions, and is further expanding its trading expertise in order to optimise energy management for its customers and play an active role in shaping the energy transition. Thus, Alpiq is strengthening its position as an agile, future-oriented energy services provider.
Against the backdrop of the increasing decarbonisation of our society, the development of e-mobility is rapidly progressing. Alpiq has the comprehensive know-how, innovative and marketable products as well as the extensive relationships with other market players and research facilities that are necessary to be able to play a key role as a digital mobility services provider in Europe in the future.
Alpiq is already the e-mobility market leader in Switzerland and offers integrated charging infrastructure solutions from a single source – from the concept and planning right through to installation, assembly and maintenance, including accounting systems for end customers. In the near future, the company will launch high power charging stations. Amongst other projects, Alpiq demonstrated its expertise with the installation of the charging stations for the E-Grand Tour of Switzerland, the world’s first holiday route that is equipped for e-cars. Germany and Italy are already a part of the geographic expansion in this field.
In December 2017, Alpiq’s cleantech incubator, Oyster Lab, launched the digital e-mobility solution “Juicar”. The goal behind the spin-off is to integrate e-mobility into everyday life in a cost-effective and networked manner. A pilot project for this e-mobility subscription model is currently being carried out with households in suburban areas in southern Germany. Juicar is a package consisting of an electric vehicle, a charging station, a charging card and an app for public charging stations and an electricity flat-rate for mileage. The field test will be completed at the end of March 2018.
The growth of electro-mobility and the promotion of new renewable energy sources is leading to an increasing number of decentralised energy generation units and will in the long term result in increased fluctuations and load peaks in the regional electricity distribution grids. The Alpiq innovation GridSense is a marketable turnkey energy management system that controls household appliances and charging stations. In prosumer households, the energy consumption of all devices is optimised using self-learning algorithms, which can result in cost reductions. For distribution grid operators, the Alpiq solution decreases the load in the regional electricity distribution grids and contributes towards minimising the need for future grid expansion measures. GridSense is already being applied successfully within the framework of projects in Switzerland, Austria and Germany. With the conclusion of the SoloGrid flagship project, which won the Watt d’Or environmental award, Alpiq once again demonstrated its innovative capacity in this field.
In the field of international energy trading, Alpiq is active with structured products and innovative marketing services on all the important European energy exchanges and bilateral markets. The market volatility and the reduced revenues on the balancing energy markets require operators of decentralised power generation systems to move between different markets with more agility. The highly effective marketing of flexibility is crucial in order to be able to make better use of the synergy effects of a renewable portfolio and the market opportunities of spot and intraday trading. With Intraday+, Alpiq offers an intelligent marketing solution that is based on real-time data.
These are just a few of the solutions for the digital energy world of tomorrow that Alpiq’s experts will present from 6 to 8 February 2018 in Essen (Germany) at the E-world, the energy and water industry’s largest trade fair in the German-speaking world. Within the predominant topics of innovation and smart energy, Alpiq will show the visitors on its exhibition booth and during high-quality keynotes how it is responding to the transformation of the energy business with digital solutions and optimising and simplifying energy management for its customers.
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