«Switzerland needs more electricity. This makes projects such as the Gornerli, which alone could achieve a third of our targets for expanding winter production, all the more necessary.»
Amédée Murisier, Head of Switzerland
The Federal Act on the Secure Supply of Electricity from Renewable Energies, the Electricity Act, is a decisive step towards implementing the energy transition. It improves the framework conditions for increased security of supply through the rapid expansion of renewable energies. Alpiq has developed important projects for winter energy and storage volumes that can be realised together with partners within a few years - because we all share responsibility for ensuring security of supply in Switzerland.
After months of debate, the Swiss parliament passed the "blanket decree" at the end of September - a typical Swiss compromise that reconciles many concerns. This Electricity Act provides the instruments to move forward with the generational project of "restructuring the energy system". At the heart of the revised law is the increase in the expansion targets for electricity generation from renewable energies. Parliament is thus signalling its clear commitment to the rapid expansion of renewable energy production. Solar and wind energy in particular have the potential to cover a large part of the additional electricity demand in the long term due to the decarbonisation of the energy system and the gradual phasing out of nuclear energy. The Swiss parliament has also made a clear commitment to hydropower and enshrined the Round Table's expansion projects in law. A referendum was held against the law and the people will now vote on it on 9 June.
The Association of Swiss Electricity Companies (VSE) and aeesuisse have formed an alliance: Alpiq is a founding member together with Swissolar, suissetec, Axpo Group and BKW AG, and other companies and associations in the sector are also committed to the blanket decree. Alpiq is clearly committed to the Electricity Act: it strengthens the expansion of renewable energies and paves the way for more winter electricity. It is now up to all of us to do the necessary persuasive work. Together with partners, Alpiq has developed important projects for winter energy and storage volumes, which - thanks to the Electricity Act - can be realised within a few years and thus make an important contribution to security of supply in Switzerland.
Together with partners, Alpiq has developed important projects for winter energy and storage volumes, which - thanks to the Electricity Act - can be realised within a few years and thus make an important contribution to security of supply in Switzerland.
Alpiq has contributed CHF 250,000 to the "YES to the Electricity Act" campaign.