Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

12/19/2023, 18:00 | Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR

Lausanne – At the extraordinary General Meeting of Alpiq Holding Ltd. held on 19 December 2023, Adèle Thorens Goumaz and François Gabella were elected as two new members of the Board of Directors. They replace Jean-Yves Pidoux and Aline Isoz. Both new members will start their roles on 1 January 2024.

Two new members were elected to the Alpiq Holding Ltd. Board of Directors at the extraordinary General Meeting held on 19 December 2023. One of these members is Adèle Thorens Goumaz, who has served as a member of both the National Council and the Council of States for the Green Party of Switzerland for many years. The other is François Gabella, an experienced managing director of electrical and measurement technology companies and currently Vice-President of Swissmem. They replace the current board members Jean-Yves Pidoux and Aline Isoz, who are stepping down.

Jean-Yves Pidoux has been a member of the Alpiq Board of Directors since the company’s creation, and most recently served as the Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors. Aline Isoz was elected to the Board of Directors in 2020. The Chairman of the Board of Directors, Johannes Teyssen, thanked them both for their service to Alpiq: “Jean-Yves has served the Alpiq Board of Directors with discretion since its foundation and has helped shape the company with his positive behaviour and sharp intuition. Aline was able to successfully contribute her expertise in the important areas of corporate responsibility, ethics and diversity, as well as the digital transformation. We would like to say a well-earned “thank you” to both of them!” 

The newly elected Adèle Thorens Goumaz and François Gabella will start their roles on 1 January 2024. “I am very happy with the election of both new board members. With her political background for the one and his technological knowledge for the second, they will both enrich the board in several ways. Their experience will help the company to develop even more robustly and resiliently from a strategic perspective and in line with our corporate purpose”, said Johannes Teyssen, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Alpiq Holding Ltd.


Brief biographies:

Adèle Thorens Goumaz was a member of the National Council of Switzerland for the Green Party from 2007 to 2019, and then was a member of the Council of States for the Canton of Vaud from 2019 to 2023. In both houses of the Swiss legislature, she served among others on the Environment, Spatial Planning and Energy Committee, which she also chaired. The 51-year-old Swiss national holds a master’s degree in Philosophy, History and Politics from the University of Lausanne. She then studied sustainable resource management at IDHEAP. She was recently appointed associate professor at HEIG-VD.

François Gabella was CEO of LEM Holding Ltd from 2010 to 2018, a world leader in the field of electrical measurement technology. He has held various management roles at large- and medium-sized international companies, and currently holds several mandates, in particular for Natron Energy, LEM and Sonceboz. He is also Vice-President of Swissmem, the association of the Swiss mechanical and electrical engineering industries, and board member of economiesuisse, the umbrella organisation for the Swiss business sector. The 65-year-old Swiss national holds a master’s degree in mechanical engineering from EPFL and an MBA from IMD.  


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