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Heading for the sun

The potential to harness the solar energy is vast. Alpiq intends to make greater use of this energy source – for example with PV systems on the…

Launch of Ovronnaz Solar

Leytron, 16 January 2023. The municipality of Leytron, Genedis and Alpiq are joining forces to develop an alpine solar power project on the heights of…

What’s the purpose of energy trading?

Switzerland is long in summer and short in winter. That is, we produce more electricity than we can use in summer and less than we need in winter. As…

Students of Budapest Technical University, Mechanical Engineering Faculty visited Csepel II Power Station

Csepel II Power Station has received students / university students from technical areas for years to support their studies in practice. On 23…

Night of power plants 2022 in Hungary

Budapest, 28 October 2022 – A huge number of people were interested in the event “night of power plants”! Throughout Hungary, 70 interesting sites…

Tension électrique cet hiver : Alpiq vous accompagne pour la mobilisation de vos groupes électrogènes

Dans ses Perspectives pour le système électrique pour l’automne et l’hiver 2022-2023, RTE a passé en revue les leviers possibles d’économies d’énergie…

Alpiq est numéro 1 en France pour la sixième année consécutive

Année après année, Alpiq confirme sa position de fournisseur de référence des consommateurs industriels français. Dans le cadre d’un sondage auprès…

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