
How H2 enhances Alpiq's strategic portfolio

03/28/2025, 07:00 | Market

By acquiring a majority stake in the Finnish hydrogen pioneer P2X Solutions in April 2024, Alpiq strengthened its position in the Nordic countries and positioned itself as one of the leading companies in Europe in the production of green hydrogen.

The official opening of the P2X Solutions hydrogen production facility in Harjavalta, Finland on 26 March 2025 marked a significant milestone, following the successful launch of green hydrogen production at the facility in February. This is the first time a production plant of this kind has gone into commercial operation in Finland. The electrolysis plant, which has a total output of 20 MW, is currently one of the largest in Europe.

Alpiq is also one of the pioneers in the hydrogen sector in Switzerland. Since 2020, Alpiq – together with H2 Energy and Linde – has held a stake in Hydrospider AG, which ensures the production, procurement and logistics of green hydrogen from CO2-free production.  

In the following interview, Ralph Dassonville, Head of Hydrogen Development at Alpiq, and Nicolas Crettenand, CEO of Hydrospider, explain the strategic hydrogen activities of Alpiq and Hydrospider and highlight hydrogen’s role in driving the energy transition.

Ralph, what does the start of the P2X Solutions production facility’s commercial operation mean for Alpiq and P2X Solutions?

Ralph Dassonville: This is a major step for Alpiq and for P2X Solutions. The start of production sends out an important signal that the hydrogen market is up and running, not only in Finland but throughout Europe. P2X Solutions was able to underscore its pioneering role in this. The commissioning of the plant is also a milestone for Alpiq, which expanded its hydrogen activities by acquiring a majority stake in P2X Solutions in April 2024. It’s a step forward for Alpiq in supporting the decarbonisation of our economies and replacing fossil fuels with carbon-free alternatives.

How do P2X Solutions’ hydrogen activities fit in with Alpiq’s activities?

Ralph Dassonville: Together with P2X Solutions, Alpiq aims to set up a platform for developing green hydrogen and Power-to-X projects in the Nordic countries. The partnership brings synergies with Alpiq’s commercial activities in the areas of origination, long-term electricity supply contracts and PPAs, as well as with Alpiq’s own hydrogen project pipeline in Switzerland, France, Spain and Italy. At Alpiq, we’re also working to improve the competitiveness of green hydrogen production for our customers. To this end, we’re applying our many years of experience in flexible assets management to maximise the benefits of intermittent production from renewable energies, for the production of green hydrogen.

How can hydrogen contribute to the transformation of the energy system and how urgently is H2 needed?

Ralph Dassonville: Green hydrogen produced from green electricity will play a key role in the decarbonisation of hard-to-abate sectors where electrification alone is not enough to reduce emissions, and will support the replacement of fossil fuels.

In our view, hydrogen plays a central role. It will enable widespread sector coupling – the connection of the electricity, gas, heat and transport sectors by means of energy storage and energy converters.

Nicolas Crettenand, CEO of Hydrospider

Which sectors are these in particular?

Ralph Dassonville: These include heavy industry, such as the chemical and steel industries, as well as high-temperature processes. Hydrogen and its derivatives will also play a key role in decarbonising heavy goods transport, such as long-distance haulage and ships. In addition, hydrogen can provide the energy system with the flexibility it urgently needs to ensure the success of the energy transition, especially when it comes to integrating renewable energies and storing excess wind and PV production. Key to this is the development of a hydrogen infrastructure that combines large-scale electrolysers with a pan-European network of pipelines and large storage capacities.   
Nicolas Crettenand: In our view, hydrogen plays a central role. It will enable widespread sector coupling – the connection of the electricity, gas, heat and transport sectors by means of energy storage and energy converters. The extent of this, and the applications involved, will ultimately vary from country to the next and will also depend on how much hydrogen a country can import and produce itself.

What are the biggest challenges in ramping up the market?

Ralph Dassonville: The development of the global hydrogen sector and its infrastructure is taking longer than expected. This is mainly due to the high electricity prices in recent years, which have led to high green hydrogen production costs. Electricity accounts for more than two-thirds of hydrogen costs, which is why it’s a central issue.   
In many European countries, subsidy schemes have been introduced that are now helping to close the gap between production costs and customers’ willingness to pay for green alternatives to fossil fuels. Public support is very important in promoting the development of the hydrogen market, as was the case with photovoltaics and wind power 15-20 years ago. While conscious of these challenges, we continue to believe that hydrogen will play a key role in the decarbonisation of hard-to-electrify sectors across Europe.

Nicolas, Hydrospider has shown how hydrogen can play a key role in Switzerland’s mobility sector. How has its business model contributed to the decarbonisation of heavy goods transport in Switzerland?

Nicolas Crettenand: The scalable ecosystem that Hydrospider has been developing successfully with many partners since 2020 is one-of-a-kind in Switzerland. It encompasses the production, procurement, logistics and operation of refuelling stations for green hydrogen from CO2-free production using renewable hydropower.  
Our 2 MW electrolysis plant at the Alpiq run-of-river power plant in Niedergösgen in the canton of Solothurn can produce up to 300 tonnes of green hydrogen per year, enabling us to cover the supply of 40 to 50 hydrogen lorries or 1,700 hydrogen cars. The plant is the main supplier of the 18 hydrogen refuelling stations in Switzerland where fuel-cell electric trucks refuel. These hydrogen trucks have already clocked up more than 12 million kilometres to date, saving more than 9,000 tonnes of CO2.

Ralph, what plans does Alpiq have to further develop the first hydrogen production facility in Finland?

Ralph Dassonville: Besides the plant that’s now in operation in Harjavalta, P2X Solutions is working to further develop its hydrogen production portfolio. A 40 MW plant is planned in Joensuu in eastern Finland and another 100 MW plant in Oulu in the north of the country. Both projects will produce green hydrogen which, in combination with CO2 of biogenic origin, will be used to produce synthetic methanol (eMethanol).
We believe that hydrogen will play a key role in the production of synthetic fuels, or “e-fuels”, such as eMethanol and eSAF (Sustainable Aviation Fuel) especially in the Nordic countries. Recently, P2X Solutions received an investment grant of EUR 60 million from the EU for the project in Joensuu. This grant is an important step towards securing investment for this new production facility.

Nicolas, in late 2024, the Federal Council presented the national hydrogen strategy for Switzerland. What does this mean for the H2 market in this country and players like Hydrospider?

Nicolas Crettenand: We welcome the strategy and its main objectives. We’re particularly pleased that it recognises the use of hydrogen for mobility, especially for heavy goods transport. The strategy also proposes concrete, forward-looking measures for connecting to the European H2 market. However, it lacks specific detail on how the measures to ramp up the market in Switzerland will be implemented from 2030 onwards. The Swiss hydrogen strategy is less specific than those of several neighbouring European countries, which have already set quantitative targets and introduced funding programmes.

What will be key to implementing the strategy in Switzerland?

Nicolas Crettenand: The strategy is heading in the right direction, but it doesn’t yet create the necessary framework conditions, above all for ramping up the domestic market. It only includes a few measures for boosting production and demand beyond the existing incentive schemes until 2030 or the harmonisation of the legal framework and energy planning between the cantons. For example, battery and H2 trucks are currently exempt from the heavy vehicle tax, which enables market development. Unfortunately, the strategy contains nothing about the continuation of this exemption from 2031 onwards. Clarity is urgently needed here so that the Swiss H2 mobility sector, one of the largest in Europe, can remain competitive and continue to grow.

Hydrogen can provide the energy system with the flexibility it urgently needs to ensure the success of the energy transition, especially when it comes to integrating renewable energies and storing excess wind and PV production.

Ralph Dassonville, Head of Hydrogen Development at Alpiq

You’ve spoken about the H2 activities of P2X Solutions and Hydrospider. Which approach is more promising?

Ralph Dassonville: Both approaches aim to produce green hydrogen to support the energy transition. P2X’s main goal is to develop large electrolysers, primarily to decarbonise heavy industry in the Nordic countries and produce eFuels for the European market.
Nicolas Crettenand: Both approaches offer potential and come with their own target groups. Hydrospider contributes to the energy transition and our focus is on green hydrogen production and logistics to serve the Swiss hydrogen mobility sector and local hydrogen consumers.