Individual contribution of the three elements: Assets – Trading – Origination
Assets comprise production and the associated marketing activities. With adjusted EBITDA of CHF 972.1 million, this element made a material contribution to the very good result. Alpiq’s highly flexible power plant portfolio made a difference in this regard. The above-average inflow volumes from Swiss hydropower plants and the high availability of nuclear power plants in Switzerland were key to the result in 2024. The flexible capacity of the gas-fired power plants in Italy, Spain and Hungary was accessed increasingly by grid operators to stabilise the grid in 2024. Last year, Alpiq produced an above-average volume of electricity with its power plant portfolio. Heavy rains combined with snowmelt caused severe floods in the Alps in summer 2024, which partly impacted Alpiq’s portfolio. All plants are back in operation, and the unexpected outages of hydropower plants were more than offset by the high power production overall. Despite the challenge posed by the much lower price volatility, actively managing the power plants again contributed to the very good result and allowed room for manoeuvre in the market. The result was impacted by the dispute settlement agreement, including a new long-term supply contract with a one-off payment from Alpiq to WWZ of CHF 50 million.
The Trading element, which comprises electricity, gas and certificate trading, also achieved a positive result in a very difficult market environment, with adjusted EBITDA of CHF 30.1 million. This result is much lower than in the previous year and is below expectations. In contrast to 2023, 2024 was marked by much lower prices and especially by lower price volatility.
In Origination, Alpiq’s strong portfolio management and proximity to large customers paid off once again. The company is fostering the integration of renewable energies by concluding various long-term power purchase agreements (PPAs) and adopting competent risk management for customers by managing their production facilities. Despite lower margins, adjusted EBITDA came to CHF 86.5 million, therefore meeting expectations. The company’s large-customer business in France and Spain made a material contribution to this result, although short-term market access transactions, such as PPAs and flexible solutions in Germany, also played a part.